What People Are Saying

Amazing Stories from Our Customers (And Their Pets)

Constable Don G., Police K9 Unit Handler

It is important that my Police K9 gets the best food possible, and I found it in Just Raw.  I’ve been feeding my working K9 and my retired K9 Just Raw since our arrival to Vancouver Island over two years ago.

“Hammer” - K9

“Hammer” - K9


Chris S. (Search and Rescue)

I have fed three search dogs raw food since they were pups. I'm extremely happy with Just Raw food! Axl and Solo really love it! Just Raw dog food is locally produced, fresh-frozen, well-balanced, and nutritious. More meat and less moisture than all of the other raw options I've tried. Manageable portions and easy clean-up too. Awesome product!

Axl in Search vest.jpg

Axl - Search and Rescue K9

When I initially began the raw food journey for my dogs, I was fortunate to find a local butcher who sold raw dog food. That was over 12 years ago. Since then, the business has moved to Royston and I am now on my second set of dogs eating Just Raw. Their product is excellent and it is, I believe, the reason my dogs are happy, healthy, have strong teeth and beautiful coats. I have no issues with allergies (or fleas)! While I generally prefer to add my own vegetables, I have purchased their mixes of meat with veggies and my dogs love it. If you are not feeding raw you cannot believe what you and your dogs are missing! Try it for a few weeks and see the difference. I'm so glad I did . . . so many years ago! I would never turn back to the commercially made dry food. Feed REAL food!

– Barb L.


Keeping our pets healthy and happy is easy with 'Just Raw' raw pet foods. From our senior Sheltie boy to our handsome cat the crew get a combination of different proteins. The convenient one pound packages make it easy to customize for each of their needs. Thanks Just Raw - great value, great product.

– Betty D.


Our raw fed pups love their 'Just Raw' ground foods. Raw fed since birth, we still get asked if our 12-year-old Sheltie is a puppy. That coat! Our Beagle/cross was switched over from kibble to raw when we rescued her in 2014. We love the convenience and top notch quality of 'Just Raw', and the dogs love the flavor. You can see how well they're doing by their coats, clean teeth and overall energy levels. Vet visits are few and far between, the proper diet helps to keep fleas and ticks at bay, so dollar for dollar by far the best value, bar none!

– Phoenix K.


Our Bengals absolutely love the raw chicken & turkey. Great product, great price= healthy cats!
5 star product

– Denise T.


I have been feeding our pup, Ella, 'Just Raw' for about a year now and I LOVE this brand! Ella has more energy and a wonderful silky coat. One of favorite things about this brand is actually the the packaging. It comes in 2 pound slabs that are so easy to thaw and cut up. Other brands seal every portion in plastic which I find much messier in the long run and so wasteful. Thank you, 'Just Raw'!

– Miles W.


We have been with Just Raw pet foods for over a year now. The dog food is amazing easy to serve and it is was it says it is on the packaging love that there is no junk or preservatives treat it like you would your own raw meat and your animals will always be fed right.

-  Kari J.

My two girls are absolutely loving your food. I bought both the beef & veg and chicken & veg. Thank you for offering such a top quality product.
Where can i find a basic list of ingredients?
Also, I purchased your product at Woofy's. Your food came very highly recommended. Also love that it is local.

— Barb F.


My previous German shepherds suffered from chronic ear and eye infections, gastrointestinal issues and teeth that needed annual scaling.  I fed them a diet of kibbled dog food.  Shortly after we got our present German shepherd as an eight week old puppy, and on the advice of our dog trainer, we put him on a raw food diet with Just Raw Pet Foods.  He is now four years old and has always enjoyed the best of health and snow white teeth.  The money I save on vet bills more than covers the additional cost of feeding him a raw food diet, which provides all the nutrients an active canine requires.  It has provided us with peace of mind knowing that it was the best decision we made in raising a happy and healthy dog.

— Liz V.


Rudy has been eating Just Raw for about a month now and I am really happy. He is a very active working dog and is strong and healthy, full of energy, has a beautiful soft shiny coat and neat little poops. I love that it is locally made, the packaging is minimal and the portions are very easy to feed.

– Janna R. (Comox Valley Search and Rescue)


Love the frozen raw dog food! Please read my story!
Our one Labradoodle has always chewed at his paws and recently developed an itchy rash on his abdomen. Our two 26 pound Labradoodles have always been on frozen dog food. Recently we changed to having high quality, grain-free kibble in the morning, raw food in evening and we bought teeth-cleaning kibble from our Vet to use as biscuits..frequent treats😁!
Then came the rash! After two tries of prednisone over two weeks (he continued to itch) he was switched to Apoquel. After one dose I looked this drug up on the net! Yikes, horrendous side affects. Stopped it right away!
Made the decision to only give the raw dog food.. some in the morning and some at dinner. Quit the vet-bought biscuits (can’t even pronounce many of the huge number of additives on the bag) and now give very small, grain-free, fruit and veggie biscuits .. infrequently. No more rash!
An aside, we do love our vet but I did ask him if the rash might be related to his diet! Emphatically, NO!
We highly recommend Just Raw Pet Foods! 

- Sharon W.


I've been feeding my dachshund x Just Raw food ever since I discovered it about two years ago. We get loads of comments about how glossy her coat is.

– Anthea S.